Our mission is to find out how to scale Digital Badges across Europe – especially for those distant to the labour market.
The Problem
While the benefits of Digital Badges are well-known since at least 2015, there is still no sign of “break-through” of their use by education providers, employers and learners. The potential of Digital Badges to encourage and acknowledge non-formal and non-linear learning is still only theoretical.
The Solution
We try to learn why Digital Badges failed to succeed in some cases, where they were tried, and where they actually succeeded, at least on a small scale, We try to understand the perspectives of the different stakeholders – e.g. learners, companies, education providers, public policy makers, etc. From there, we want to develop a starter toolkit that makes it easy to use them, especially for those distant to the labour market, and for life-long learning.
The Impact
The impact we imagine is to give recognition of skills, competencies, learning effort and achievements for those who need it most; to motivate to express own competencies; and motivate learning, because it can make a difference.
We are developping a starter toolkit for all those who want to employ Digital Badges and Credentials especially for people distant to the labour market. Our project has three phases, and we are currently working on phase 3 – the toolkit. Click on the links to learn more.
Phase 1: Desk Research
Phase 2: Stakeholder Interviews
Phase 3: Starter Toolkit
Finally, we provide a starter toolkit to employ digital badges and credentials, aimed at institutions, companies, NGOs etc.