SHARE the Badge is a follow up on the Strategic Partnership ‘Shared Responsibility’. Within Shared Responsibility a SHARE method and system (collections of Badges and handbook) have beenmade. In this follow up Erasmus+ project the partners want to make it accessible for different kind of organizations. Main priority is to support open education and recognition of competences gained in all kind of learning (formal, non formal and informal) using a digital way (open Badges) in order to have good (job) opportunities for all, also those without diplomas or certificates. This project focuses especially on organizations working with migrants and unemployed with a distance to the labour market. The project will give tools to these organizations in order to have a better insight in learning pathways within their organization, on how to connect badges with these learning pathways. This will make them capable of upskilling the learning of their target group. When you have recognition of your competences (through badges) you have better opportunities on the labour market. This makes vulnerable target groups more included in society. Outcomes of this project are expected in 2021 and include; translated SHARE collections in French and Finnish, besides the already existing collections in Dutch, German, Italian and Spanish; an offline print and play game about competences to use with the target group; an offline manual and online training course to step by step implement (SHARE) Open Badges in your organization; an easy to watch animation about Open Badges. This project and its outcome can be useful for organizations working with informal and non-formal learning methods and want to start working with Open Badges.
SHARE the Badge
by Jorine van Egmond | May 10, 2021 | Badge host, Badge wallet, collection, Europe, Lifelong learners, Migrants, Mobile Wallet, Non-formal learning providers, Pathway, Project, Website | 0 comments