
Blockchain, Self-Sovereign Identity and Digital Credentials: Promise Versus Praxis in Education

Blochchain hostcollectionHigher Education InstitutionsIdentityMeta-Study
Author: Alex Grech, Ira Sood, Lluís Ariño
Year: 2021

The authors examine the potential and status of blockchain technology from the perspective of self-sovereign learning. They describe and investigate projects on decentralized identity management as the basis of a learner-centered agency, on a national and European level, based on different types blockchains; the digital credentials as the “building blocks” of life-long learning, and its current lack of mobility and interoperability; and they describe a resistance to the adoption of decentralized open models, notably on the side of policy makers, higher education, and commercial entities.

Introducing Digital Credentials to Universities

Author: Dominguez Hills
Year: 2020

This interview with the Dean of the College of Extended and International Education, CSU Dominguez Hills, points out three things:

  1. Digital credentials don’t change the curriculum or structure of a program, but they improve the value of the award.
  2. Employers can find potential candidates quickly and efficiently through digital credentials.
  3. As learners and employers adapt to digital, institutions and their leaders need to adapt as well.

Shared Responsibility

Badge hostBadge walletcollectioncompetency based learningDigital competenciesEuropeInformal learningLifelong learnersNational or regional government agenciesnon- formal learningNon-formal learning providersProjectResearch StudySkill Mappingsoft skillsValidationWebsiteYouth work organisations
Author: Bloom Foundation and others
Year: 2018
Shared Responsibility was an Erasmus+ funded project in 4 European countries between 2016 and 2018. The project was based on the need to find a tailor-made solution on how to give recognition to all learning. The partners worked together with the regional stakeholders: adult and VET education, secondary schools, employers, organizations/stakeholders and trainers/social workers involved in the work with young people with fewer opportunities, refugees and migrants. Some of these solutions might have the potential for being transferred to other regions. Outcome of this project, which is based upon an in-depth desktop analyse and practical research, are 4 collection of badges to freely use. The 4 collections are based upon 4 of the 8 key competences; Digital competences, Social and civic competences, entrepreneurship and communication. The collections can be found in the library of Badge Craft. The research and handbook can be found on the website; This project and its outcome can be useful for organizations working with informal and non-formal learning methods and want to start working with Open Badges.

SHARE the Badge

Badge hostBadge walletcollectioncompetency based learningDigital competenciesEuropeImplementationInformal learningLifelong learnersMigrantsMobile WalletMOOCs and online coursesnon- formal learningNon-formal learning providersPathwayProjectRecognitionsoft skillsWebsite
Author: Bloom Foundation and others
Year: 2021
SHARE the Badge is a follow up on the Strategic Partnership ‘Shared Responsibility’. Within Shared Responsibility a SHARE method and system (collections of Badges and handbook) have beenmade. In this follow up Erasmus+ project the partners want to make it accessible for different kind of organizations. Main priority is to support open education and recognition of competences gained in all kind of learning (formal, non formal and informal) using a digital way (open Badges) in order to have good (job) opportunities for all, also those without diplomas or certificates. This project focuses especially on organizations working with migrants and unemployed with a distance to the labour market. The project will give tools to these organizations in order to have a better insight in learning pathways within their organization, on how to connect badges with these learning pathways. This will make them capable of upskilling the learning of their target group. When you have recognition of your competences (through badges) you have better opportunities on the labour market. This makes vulnerable target groups more included in society. Outcomes of this project are expected in 2021 and include; translated SHARE collections in French and Finnish, besides the already existing collections in Dutch, German, Italian and Spanish; an offline print and play game about competences to use with the target group; an offline manual and online training course to step by step implement (SHARE) Open Badges in your organization; an easy to watch animation about Open Badges. This project and its outcome can be useful for organizations working with informal and non-formal learning methods and want to start working with Open Badges.

Getting started with digital badges

badge designcollectionImplementationPresentationRecognition
Author: Doug Belshaw
Year: 2021
This powerpoint presentation gives a wonderful overview on getting started with digital badges. It was part of a WIT workshop in February 2021 given by Dr. Doug Belshaw and practically guide you on the concept of digital badges and from slide 69 gives you an overview to other documents on general information on digital badges, quality and assessment, formal and distance education, professional development, business and others.


Author: -
Year: 2021

Credentify is an API service in the cloud that enables universities and students to issue and receive micro-credentials that can be stacked into ECTS. This Erasmus+ funded project is already integrated into an open education video platform and piloted by four European universities to create new educational experiences. It is based on blockchain technologies and offers tools for developers and researchers. Credentify is the first European free and open credentials service to use European blockchain conventions for educational content, which immensely improves transfer and transparency of credentials. The website gives information on the product and provides case studies.

Badu Open Badges – a new way to validate youth work

collectionnon- formal learningProjectRecognitionWebsiteYouth work organisations
Author: Badu
Year: 2021
BADU aims to professionalise youth workers and youth educators and validate their competences in supporting youth mobility and non-formal learning. This is achieved through the creation of Open Badges. This Erasmus+ funded project fosters the use of Open Badges for validating youth workers’ competences in the areas of youth mobility and non-formal learning. There is a practical guidebook on the use of the Badu Open Badge system and a good practice catalogue. Interesting for youth organisations that are interested in the use of Open Badges to validate competences or achievements. Youth workers and volunteers who work in the youth sector can use Open Badges to validate social competences, which are usually not certified by formal or higher education.

Mirva: Making Informal Recognition Visible and Actionable

collectionInformal learningLifelong learningNon-formal learning providersProjectReskilling / UpskillingValidation
Author: Mirva
Year: 2021
Mirva is an Erasmus+ project that aimed to make informal recognition visible and actionable and studied the the conditions of an Informal Recognition environment. Based upon this research they produced different outputs;
O1 Open Recognition Framework
O2 Guidelines for Communities & Individuals
O3 Guidelines for Organisations & Practitioners
O4 Guidelines for Technology Providers & Clients
O5 Guidelines for linking informal recognition with Frameworks
O6 Open Recognition Framework Validation
The work of Mirva is especially interesting if you want to get knowledge and practical guiding on open recognition and the use of open badges in the context of informal learning.

Gentle students

Case StudycollectionDigital competenciesHigher Education InstitutionsInformal learningMunicipalitiesnon- formal learningPathwayProjectValidationWebsite
Author: Gentlestudent
Year: 2021
This project in Gent, Belgium is a great example of a project for students of the Artevelde Hogeschool to be active in volunteering in the city of Gent. By doing this being rewarded with Open Badges. Gentle students is stimulating students to engage in learning opportunities using open badges standard. The volunteering projects and the learning objectives for the students are within 5 categories;
Digital literacy
Global citizenship
Research skills
The website is in Dutch, but here you find the project information and technical setup of the project in English.

Cities of learning

Badge hostBadge walletcollectionEuropeInformal learningLearning pathwaysMobile Walletnon- formal learningNon-formal learning providersPathwayProjectRecognitionsoft skillsWebsiteYouth work organisations
Author: Cities of Learning
Year: 2021
The Erasmus+ Strategic Partnership ‘Connected Spaces of Learning in Europe’ was initially aiming to create a sustainable and youth-oriented participatory solution for European cities and regions to map, deliver and recognise diverse opportunities for young people. In order do build this solution, the following objectives had been identified to implement:
– Map and connect spaces of non-formal and informal learning, which enables young people to better “navigate” through learning opportunities, based on needs, interests and passions.
– Build online mapping software adapted to the needs of partners’ represented territories and easily scalable.
– Develop capacities of local learning providers and build online software for creating learning playlists – a youth-friendly way to present and deliver diverse learning content online and offline with integrated recognition through open badges.
– Build a toolkit and documentation for online software, which enables regions, cities or consortiums to create their maps and playlists of learning anywhere.
– Engage young people in identifying learning opportunities and shaping the understanding of learning according to their needs, interests and passions.
From this project the platform Cities of Learning has been created. On this platform you can create learning paths with playlists and digital Open Badges. Especially interesting if you want to badge learning in a city or region. On the website you find different cities and regions already active within cities of learning.

SURF edubadges

Badge hostCase StudycollectionFormal education providersHigher EducationImplementationProjectRecognitionValidationWebsite
Author: SURF
Year: 2018
edubadges: issuing digital certificates to students edubadges is the digital certificates platform for the Dutch education community. edubadges enable you to award students or workers with evidence of knowledge and skills they have acquired. An edubadge is issued electronically within a secure and trusted SURF platform.
SURF, the collaborative organization for ICT in Dutch education and research, together with higher educational institutions, is examining the prerequisites necessary to award digital badges to students. Here you can download the publication on the lessons learned pilot edubadges.
Conclusions and next step: pilot project SURF has done a wonderful job in implementing Edubadges in higher education in the Netherlands. It is mostly used for recognizing competences in formal education, but outside the curricula.

Badge Wiki!

badge designcollectionCompaniesGlobalHigher Education InstitutionsImplementationNon-formal learning providersProjectWebsiteYouth work organisations
Author: We Are Open Co-op
Year: 2019

This wiki provides extensive background information about open badges, with badge project examples, links to research, case studies and FAQs.  A useful starting point for anyone interested in implementing badges.

Do digital badges really provide value to businesses?

ArticlecollectionCompaniesCompetence assessmentEmployer perceptionsEmployment-related learnersEnhanced employabilityGlobalRecruitment / HRResearch StudyReskilling / UpskillingWorkplace training
Author: David Leaser
Year: 2019
A short post by IBM reviewing their successful implementation of Digital Badges in training programs.  The post is looking at the value that Badges provided in learners’ engagement, skills development and sales competency, as well as other business areas, often less measured in research – such as clients confidence, social media presence and brand dominance.  The data in this post is one of the most encompassing in the commercial field to date.

IBM Digital Badge Program: Overview for external audiences

AccreditationcollectionCompaniesCompetence assessmentEmployment-related learnersEnhanced employabilityGlobalParticipationportabilityPresentationReskilling / UpskillingWorkplace training
Author: David Leaser
Year: 2016
A presentation from IBM presenting their badge programme and some of the results achieved on their courses through awarding badges.  The presentation brings facts and figures from IBM’s experience, including a list of lessons learnt and tips for successful badge system implementation.

Digital Credentials: A Better Way To Capture And Communicate Learning

ArticlecollectionCompaniesEmployment-related learnersFormal education providersHigher Education Institutionsmicro-credentialsportabilityRecognitionstackability
Author: Tom Vander Ark
Year: 2020
This article offers a rationale for how and why the education system needs to change to give learners better opportunities through credentialing and alternative learning paths. It not only talks about how badges can be used, but also other changes in the education system (better qualifications, better alignment, more skills based validation)

More Employers Are Awarding Credentials. Is A Parallel Higher Education System Emerging?

ArticlecollectionCompaniesFormal education providersGlobalHigher Education InstitutionsLearning pathwaysmicro-credentialsRecruitment / HRWorkplace training
Author: Sean Gallagher, Holly Zanville
Year: 2021


This article discusses the alternative learning pathways which are formed by the increasing number of digital badge programmes offered by companies as an alternative form of certification to traditional Higher Education.

FINAL REPORT – Badge Count 2020

Author: IMS Global Learning Consortium
Year: 2020


A summary from IMS Global of the status of Open Badges today – comparisons between 2018 and 2020 of the number of Open Badges available, issued, and of the number of companies reporting badge data.  The research gathered data from 25 of the 26  software platforms which support Open Badges.  These figures are useful to document the growing trend of digital badges.

Increasing the Visibility of Community Participation Opportunities through Open Badges

ArticlecollectionInformal learningIntrinsic motivationLifelong learnersNon-formal learning providersParticipationUK
Author: Kevin Field
Year: 2020

This article details experiences from a grassroots group in Northern England which implemented badges as an initiative to counteract loneliness and social isolation in the community.  In addition to tackling marginalisation, the aim behind this social innovation project was to improve digital literacy in the community. Whilst this project was not a success story, the author shares some insights as to where the initiative failed, and gives advice to others looking to implement badges in non-formal or informal learning situations.

6 Reasons Why Online Course Creators Should Use Digital Badges

Articlebadge designcollectionCompaniesGlobalImplementationMOOCs and online coursesNon-formal learning providersParticipation
Author: Mike Weiss
Year: 2021

This article is aimed at educators providing online courses, and gives an easy to understand overview of the benefits of using digital badges for education providers offering online courses.  The article hails badges as “an incredibly powerful tool” for the online education industry and presents strong arguments for why digital badges are beneficial for issuers (and earners).

Expanding the boundaries of Education

Collaborative learningcollectionInformal learningIntrinsic motivationNon-formal learning providersNorthern AmericaParticipationProjectRecognitionsoft skillsYouth work organisations
Year: 2019

The Rennie Center for Education Research & Policy gathered information from partners on a two year pilot project focussing on expanding access to out-of-school learning opportunities for marginalised youth in Boston and Providence.  The programme gives youth opportunities to develop real life skills, and uses digital badges to document their informal learning achievements.  The report describes the projects and details the processes and takeaways from the project.

Employer Perceptions of Critical Information Literacy Skills and Digital Badges

collectionCompaniesEmployer perceptionsEnhanced employabilityFormal education providersHigher Education InstitutionsMeta-StudyRecruitment / HRsoft skills
Author: Victoria Raish, Emily Rimland
Year: 2016

This study examines which competencies are valued by employers when it comes to information literacy and whether any of these skills are difficult to represent through formal qualifications.  It investigates whether there is interest among employers in using digital badges as anaccreditation method for informal skills, and whether it varies between sectors.  The study is based in the USA and surveys 114 relevant employers in different disciplines to research their perceptions around the information competence new employees (directly from higher education) possess and about whether digital Badges could be considered as a way to document such skills.  The main finding from the research was that information literacy is valued in the workplace, but that these skills were often lacking in new employees.  Of the 114 employers who participated, only 5% answered that they were not interested in the recognition of digital badges to assess such competencies.

MICROBOL Desk research report

collectionEuropeFormal education providersHigher Education InstitutionsMeta-StudyNational or regional government agenciesPolicy Makers
Author: Elena Cirlan, Tia Loukkola
Year: 2020


Microbol – Micro-credentials linked to the Bologna Key Commitment is an Erasmus+ sponsored project that tries to give advice how to reform higher education, how this can comprise micro-credentials, also to support increasing access to continuous learning for all learners. This extensive research overview for the European Commission outlines the current state (2020) of usage of micro-credentials with a strong focus on higher education. It discusses, how different activities and instruments of European authorities and projects influence the adoption and recognition of micro-credentials. It also gives an overview of projects and activities that try to promote micro-credentials – both on a global and European level. With respect to our target group and goals, several question are raised, that affect the value and adoption of Digital Badges: – The ECTS provides guidelines for formal, non-formal and informal learning recognition. How do micro-credentials fit into those?

Making competences visible with digital badges

AccreditationAlignmentcollectionCompaniesCompetence assessmentEmployer perceptionsEmployment-related learnersFormal education providersGermanyHigher Education InstitutionsImplementationInformal learningLifelong learnersNational or regional government agenciesRecognitionRecruitment / HRResearch Study
Author: Ilona Buchem, Dominic Orr, Christine Brunn
Year: 2019
This working paper summarises results from five rounds of interviews with Employers, HR representatives, University Representatives, Open Badge Pioneers and European experts in the field of education and accreditation.  The paper presents a thorough analysis of the pains and gains of digital badges from different stakeholder perspectives, and suggests three scenarios – Minimum, Medium and Maximum – for the scaling of digital badges.  The paper rounds off with four Good Pracice Examples of badges used within Higher Educations contexts for both acknowledgement of formal and non- formal learning achievements.

Digital Credentialing. Implications for the recognition of learning across borders

AccreditationAlignmentcollectionCompaniescompetency based learningEmployment-related learnersFormal education providersFormative assessmentGlobalHigher Education InstitutionsInformal learningLearning pathwaysLifelong learnersmicro-credentialsMigrantsMOOCs and online coursesMunicipalitiesNational or regional government agenciesnon- formal learningNon-formal learning providersportabilityRecognitionRecruitment / HRResearch Studysoft skillsstackability
Author: Borhene Chakroun, James Keevy
Year: 2018

This report from UNESCO gives a concise introduction to the different forms of digital accreditation and the implications that digital credentialling can have for recognition.  The paper outlines stakeholders and explores the features of different technical architectures.  Implications for learning recognition and recommendations for digitalised accreditation in the future complete this paper, providing an overview of the current situation and the benefits and challenges which digital credentialing presents.

Digital Badges, do they live up to the hype?

Collaborative learningcollectionCompaniesEmployment-related learnersFormal education providersHigher Education InstitutionsInformal learningIntrinsic motivationLearning pathwaysMeta-StudyMultiplenon- formal learningParticipationRecognitionResearch StudyWorkplace training
Author: Sherre Roy, Damien Clark
Year: 2018
This paper reviews 23 badge studies documenting the contexts in which digital badges were used,  and their effects on learner engagement, motivation, empowerment and skills recognition.

The use of Open Badges in library and information science education in Estonia

Case StudyCollaborative learningcollectionCompetence assessmentEuropeExtrinsic MotivationFormal education providersgamificationHigher Education InstitutionsImplementationincenIncentivised learning (Extrinsic Motivation)Learning pathwayslearning performanceLMSResearch Study
Author: Virkus Sirje
Year: 2019

This excellent research paper reviews the history and use of Open Badges within Higher Education, it provides references to case studies from the early days of Open Badges to these days and their learning, regarding the advantages, disadvantages and challenges of use.  The paper then follows a pilot program at the University of Talinn, as part of a Master level course on Research Methods, focusing on Open Badges as part of the curriculum, and using them in parallel for assessment of soft and hard skills and knowledge in a Bachelor level course.  The paper presents variety of considerations and decisions taken within the process of implementing Open Badges, such as the technical platform, through the relation between formal learning and badges awarded,  the development of personal learning paths, levels and form of assessments – which became more holistic and inclusive due to the integration of Open Badges. The pilot resulted , on the learners side, in more engagement and enthusiasm, great appreciation of the personal learning paths and a general positive experience, especially to the soft skills being recognized, and to the competitive / gamification elements involved. On the teachers’ side, the difference between previous forms of assessment and this one meant more adjusting and more consideration in each step. Overall, the advantages and value proved more positive and interesting to pursue, going forward.

Open badges as credentials in open education systems: Case studies from Greece and Europe

Academic publicationArticleCollaborative learningcollectioncommon taxonomyEuropegamificationHigher Education InstitutionsInformal learningIntrinsic motivationLifelong learnersMeta-StudyNational or regional government agenciesnon- formal learningParticipationpeer assessmentsoft skills
Author: Sofia T Papadimitriou, Maria I Niari
Year: 2019

This research paper examines the role and the contribution of Open Badges in open education systems, it reviews through case studies how Open Badges have been used so far and how could they be used to improve the quality of studies, especially in non-formal and informal education contexts. Key takeaways: There are various terms used for Open Badges under different educational contexts (table 1 – page 4) Through case studies, Open Badges prove to be a way for recording performance and progress, and to strengthen connections between community of users. Open Badges show promise improving engagement of studies  To bring improvement of quality, a common and homogenized term and system of criteria and procedures is required. The research paper calls for development of a prototype for a common, open system of digital credentials and offers a set of criteria for it.

Open Badges for Student Led Learning: The University of Edinburgh

ArticleCase StudycollectionFormal education providersHigher EducationHigher Education InstitutionsImplementation of Open BadgesLMSStakeholdersSummative assessmentTech StackTypeUK
Author: Peter Evans
Year: 2017

This is a case study review and interview with Peter Evans from the University of Edinburgh, who successfully implemented Open Badges at the institution and is sharing his learning from the process. Read this to evaluate considerations for implementing Open Badges and get a sneak peak into Openness in Education in general.

Grading students programming and soft skills with Open Badges- a case study

Collaborative learningcollectionCompetence assessmentFormal education providersFormative assessmentHigher Education InstitutionsIncentivised learning (Extrinsic Motivation)Informal learningIntrinsic motivationLMSResearch Studysoft skillsStakeholdersTech Stack
Author: Bojan Tomić et. al.
Year: 2017

This research paper follows 100 students taking an extra-curricular programming course, evaluated on both technical programming skills and soft skills such as communication, collaboration and problem solving, deemed as necessary for being a good programmer by professional peers evaluation.  Read this to gain insights on: How Open Badges could be used for grading both soft skills and hard skills What is the necessary course design foundations to enable successful implementation of Open Badge?

Belgium Case Study – Be Badges

Badge hostBadge walletCase StudycollectionCompaniesCountryEmployment-related learnersEnhanced employabilityEuropeJob learnersMigrantsMunicipalitiesNational or regional government agenciesProjectRecognitionRecruitment / HRSkill MappingStakeholdersTech StackTypeValidation
Author: OECD
Year: 2017

A short report of case study conducted by Federal Job Recruitment agency Selor, working with Open Badges to evaluate hard and soft skills among diverse audiences, in effort to narrow gap to the labour market. As part of the project’s effort, a European sub-initiative aligning badges taxonomy has been launched.

Goal Setting and Open Digital Badges in Higher Education

Academic publicationArticleCase Studycollectioncommon taxonomyFormal education providersGlobalHigher EducationHigher Education InstitutionsImplementation of Open BadgesIncentivised learning (Extrinsic Motivation)Intrinsic motivationLMSskill taxonomyStakeholdersTech StackType
Author: Zui Cheng, Sunnie Lee Watson, Timothy James Newby
Year: 2018

The article reviews literature on the impact of Open Digital Badges on learners in higher education. It explores educators’ expectations towards Badges, lists the benefits to educators and suggests ways of fortifying the effectiveness of learning with Badges through a practice of goal setting theory. The article points to the lack of common knowledge/skill taxonomy in Higher Education, and the difficulty it creates in establishing a productive badge-supported learning environment. It presents suggestions for development of Badge Categories, Pre , during and post-learning interaction with Open Badges to ease choice of learning paths, and use of Open Badges as disruptive technology. Read this article to: Understand the role of Open Badges in education Gather useful tips for implementation of layered Open Badges to increase motivation and achievements

Promising Practices of Open Credentials – Five Years of Progress

Badge hostCase StudycollectionCompaniesCompetence assessmentCross sectoral networkEmployment-related learnersFormal education providersGlobalHigher EducationHigher Education InstitutionsLearning pathwaysMeta-StudyMigrantsNational or regional government agenciesNon-formal learning providersNorthern AmericaPeer assessment / peer awarded badgesSkill MappingStakeholdersTech StackTypeValidationWorkplace trainingyouth workYouth work organisations
Author: Sheryl L. Grant
Year: 2016

This highly recommended report presents case studies collected after five years of experimenting with Open Badges (true to 2016). It also includes a brief overview of free and open resources available through Mozilla’s Web literacy map badging program and Digital contributions on behalf of the Open Badge Network. Read this if you are interested in; Promising best practices through case study Considerations for badge program designs in different educational and labor market contexts Research on open credentialing systems to date of report (2016).

10 platforms for issuing Open Badges

Articlebadge designBadge hostBadge issuerBadge walletcollectionCompaniesFormal education providersGlobalHigher Education InstitutionsImplementationImplementation of Open BadgesMeta-StudyNon-formal learning providersProjectStakeholdersTech StackTypeYouth work organisations
Author: Doug Belshaw
Year: 2019

Concise links list of Open Badges platforms, with correlating cross-references to review when making decision on platform to use.

The Missing Pieces – Micro Credentials for Building a Lifelong Learning Society

collectionLifelong learningmicro-credentialsPresentation
Author: Don Presant
Year: 2021

This presentation focuses on the changing skills needs of the international labour market in view of current and developing education options. It outlines reasons for cultivating a culture of lifelong learning and specifies ways in which Open Badges could enable that transition. It presents case studies of successful micro credentials implementation at a number of education providers in the US, Australia and Africa, NGOs, large and small commercial companies. This presentation is valuable for: Understanding the big picture behind Open Badges – how it can play a role in shaping our readiness for tomorrow’s global economy Getting close look into Case Studies of implementation of Open Badges in educational institutions, NGOs and commercial companies

Digital badging – The need for assessment framework

AlignmentArticlecollectionCompaniesCompetence assessmentDigital competenciesEmployer perceptionsFormal education providersGlobalmicro-credentialsnon- formal learningRecognition
Author: Paul Jagger
Year: 2020

This article takes an example of digital / IT competence and examines the challenges involved in accurately reflecting the competencies needed for badge attainment and the issues in relating these skills to established assessment frameworks within the IT Industry.  This article highlights the issue of alignment which applies to badge attainment in all areas of vocational and “soft skills” assessment.

Recognising informal elearning with digital badging: evidence for a sustainable business model

collectionIntrinsic motivationLifelong learnersMOOCs and online coursesnon- formal learningNon-formal learning providersResearch StudyUK
Author: Patrina Law
Year: 2015

An article examining the effects of awarding open digital badges for successful completion of open online courses – Badged Open Courses. The research argues that badged open courses, in addition to building students’ confidence and increasing motivation, can also generate revenue by either retaining or converting students to formal (paid) courses.

Recognizing competencies vs. completion vs. participation: Ideal roles for web-enabled digital badges

badge designCollaborative learningcollectioncompetency based learningFormal education providersHigher Education InstitutionsInformal learningIntrinsic motivationMultiplenon- formal learningNon-formal learning providersParticipationResearch StudyYouth work organisations
Author: D. Hickey, G. Chartrand
Year: 2020

This study examines the status of 30 funded badge systems in the years following the Design Principles Documentation project – whether the badge systems were suspended, existing or thriving. The authors coded the systems according to the forms of learning and assessment which they incorporated, and the authors discuss how the learning theories behind badge systems can affect their success and durability.

Digital badging – Is it worth it?

collectioncommon taxonomyCompaniesCompetence assessmentCountryEmployment-related learnersGlobalRecruitment / HRReskilling / Upskillingskill taxonomyStakeholdersWorkplace training
Author: Paul D Jagger
Year: 2019


The article reviews vocational Open Badges implementation among employers and lists pros from their experiences with the Open Badges system. It points out the lack of common competence framework and open skills taxonomy as the key issues hindering development of Open Badges as driving qualifications force in the labor market.

The Role, Implementation and Impact of Digital Open Badges on a Civil Engineering Degree

badge designBadge walletCase StudycollectionCompaniesEmployer perceptionsEmployment-related learnersEnhanced employabilityHigher Education InstitutionsImplementationIntrinsic motivationIrelandParticipation
Author: Wayne Gibbons
Year: 2020


This paper evaluates the success of using digital open badges to encourage student participation and to increase motivation on an undergraduate engineering study. Whilst the study takes place within a formal education environment, the use of badges focuses on non-academic elements of the course.  The findings from the case study indicate that badges may have a positive influence on student engagement and feedback from stakeholders suggest that digital open badges may enhance employability for graduates by highlighting personal qualities and strengths.

MICROBOL Desk research report


Microbol – Micro-credentials linked to the Bologna Key Commitment is an Erasmus+ sponsored project that tries to give advice how to reform higher education, how this can comprise micro-credentials, also to support increasing access to continuous learning for all learners. This extensive research overview for the European Commission outlines the current state (2020) of usage of micro-credentials with a strong focus on higher education. It discusses, how different activities and instruments of European authorities and projects influence the adoption and recognition of micro-credentials. It also gives an overview of projects and activities that try to promote micro-credentials – both on a global and European level. With respect to our target group and goals, several question are raised, that affect the value and adoption of Digital Badges: – The ECTS provides guidelines for formal, non-formal and informal learning recognition. How do micro-credentials fit into those?

Making competences visible with digital badges

This working paper summarises results from five rounds of interviews with Employers, HR representatives, University Representatives, Open Badge Pioneers and European experts in the field of education and accreditation.  The paper presents a thorough analysis of the pains and gains of digital badges from different stakeholder perspectives, and suggests three scenarios – Minimum, Medium and Maximum – for the scaling of digital badges.  The paper rounds off with four Good Pracice Examples of badges used within Higher Educations contexts for both acknowledgement of formal and non- formal learning achievements.

Digital Credentialing. Implications for the recognition of learning across borders

This report from UNESCO gives a concise introduction to the different forms of digital accreditation and the implications that digital credentialling can have for recognition.  The paper outlines stakeholders and explores the features of different technical architectures.  Implications for learning recognition and recommendations for digitalised accreditation in the future complete this paper, providing an overview of the current situation and the benefits and challenges which digital credentialing presents.

The use of Open Badges in library and information science education in Estonia

This excellent research paper reviews the history and use of Open Badges within Higher Education, it provides references to case studies from the early days of Open Badges to these days and their learning, regarding the advantages, disadvantages and challenges of use.  The paper then follows a pilot program at the University of Talinn, as part of a Master level course on Research Methods, focusing on Open Badges as part of the curriculum, and using them in parallel for assessment of soft and hard skills and knowledge in a Bachelor level course.  The paper presents variety of considerations and decisions taken within the process of implementing Open Badges, such as the technical platform, through the relation between formal learning and badges awarded,  the development of personal learning paths, levels and form of assessments – which became more holistic and inclusive due to the integration of Open Badges. The pilot resulted , on the learners side, in more engagement and enthusiasm, great appreciation of the personal learning paths and a general positive experience, especially to the soft skills being recognized, and to the competitive / gamification elements involved. On the teachers’ side, the difference between previous forms of assessment and this one meant more adjusting and more consideration in each step. Overall, the advantages and value proved more positive and interesting to pursue, going forward.

Open badges as credentials in open education systems: Case studies from Greece and Europe

This research paper examines the role and the contribution of Open Badges in open education systems, it reviews through case studies how Open Badges have been used so far and how could they be used to improve the quality of studies, especially in non-formal and informal education contexts. Key takeaways: There are various terms used for Open Badges under different educational contexts (table 1 – page 4) Through case studies, Open Badges prove to be a way for recording performance and progress, and to strengthen connections between community of users. Open Badges show promise improving engagement of studies  To bring improvement of quality, a common and homogenized term and system of criteria and procedures is required. The research paper calls for development of a prototype for a common, open system of digital credentials and offers a set of criteria for it.

Belgium Case Study – Be Badges

A short report of case study conducted by Federal Job Recruitment agency Selor, working with Open Badges to evaluate hard and soft skills among diverse audiences, in effort to narrow gap to the labour market. As part of the project’s effort, a European sub-initiative aligning badges taxonomy has been launched.

Goal Setting and Open Digital Badges in Higher Education

The article reviews literature on the impact of Open Digital Badges on learners in higher education. It explores educators’ expectations towards Badges, lists the benefits to educators and suggests ways of fortifying the effectiveness of learning with Badges through a practice of goal setting theory. The article points to the lack of common knowledge/skill taxonomy in Higher Education, and the difficulty it creates in establishing a productive badge-supported learning environment. It presents suggestions for development of Badge Categories, Pre , during and post-learning interaction with Open Badges to ease choice of learning paths, and use of Open Badges as disruptive technology. Read this article to: Understand the role of Open Badges in education Gather useful tips for implementation of layered Open Badges to increase motivation and achievements

Promising Practices of Open Credentials – Five Years of Progress

This highly recommended report presents case studies collected after five years of experimenting with Open Badges (true to 2016). It also includes a brief overview of free and open resources available through Mozilla’s Web literacy map badging program and Digital contributions on behalf of the Open Badge Network. Read this if you are interested in; Promising best practices through case study Considerations for badge program designs in different educational and labor market contexts Research on open credentialing systems to date of report (2016).