The Rennie Center for Education Research & Policy gathered information from partners on a two year pilot project focussing on expanding access to out-of-school learning opportunities for marginalised youth in Boston and Providence. The programme gives youth opportunities to develop real life skills, and uses digital badges to document their informal learning achievements. The report describes the projects and details the processes and takeaways from the project.
Blockchain, Self-Sovereign Identity and Digital Credentials: Promise Versus Praxis in Education
The authors examine the potential and status of blockchain technology from the perspective of self-sovereign learning. They describe and investigate projects on decentralized identity management as the basis of a learner-centered agency, on a national and European level, based on different types blockchains; the digital credentials as the “building blocks” of life-long learning, and its current lack of mobility and interoperability; and they describe a resistance to the adoption of decentralized open models, notably on the side of policy makers, higher education, and commercial entities.